We create the opportunity for you to explore and learn new things through the experiences. Learning becomes a delight and inspirational with us. As a course participant you feel safe and protected.
We have courses in:
Kayak paddling in Lake Vättern – Different lengths and levels of difficulty - 3 hours – full day - weekend. We have courses at different levels for you and your friend in English.
Nature & Outdoor Life – Courses for those who want to know more and become competent outdoors.
Förutom kurser examinerar vi också på gult och grönt paddelpass och utbildar i GSRT.
Nyhet 2025 är att vi kan erbjuda Ringar på vattnet - ledarfortbildningen Miljöengagerad ledare som tagits fram av Svenska kanorförbundet i samarbete med Mistra sports and outdoors.
Även sommaren 2025 gästar vi Stensunds folkhögskola v. 27, 29 & 32