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Our Friends at Lake Vättern and Tiveden

At Lake Vättern and in Tiveden we work together, together we can offer you many great experiences. Bertil and I Kersti offer exciting courses in outdoor life and kayaking, Lovisa guided tours in wooden open canoes in magical Forests of Tiveden and species-rich hikes, the coffee comes from Nina and Ralph at Tivedens Kafferosteri which also sells coffee and accessories. Furthermore, David offers various animal guides and traceless hikes deep into the forest. Ulrika rents out outdoor equipment and guides by bike along paths and small roads. Anders is in the port of Askersund with his salmon pita production and is our savior as there is not enough time to fix the lunch bag. Marian and Arian offer wonderful accommodation in small hotel cottages and can suggest different excursions in Tiveden with or without a guide. Our friends have all the nature bests in focus and work with untraceable activities and ecologically sustainable solutions. By choosing us and our friends, you get unforgettable experiences during your stay in Tiveden and by Vätten and you also contribute to us being able to preserve nature together for future generations.

Traceless in Tiveden sitter vid en sjö i Tiveden

Wooden canoes

Lovisa Larsson runs Traceless in Tiveden and offers guided tours in wooden canoes or exciting hikes and fire courses.

Runt Vättern dekal

Cooked coffee

Nina and Ralph Borgmann have Tivedens Kafferosteri in Sannerud and provide us with artisanal roasted coffee for our trips.

Älgsiluett på hygge

Capercaillie & Moose

David Tverling runs Nature Guide Tiveden and offers various unforgettable animal and bird guides all year round. 

Birthday Adventure.jpeg

We create

We also cooperate with accommodation facilities

to be able to offer convenient packages around our experiences.

You can also find us at Runt Vättern, VisitAskersund and

Hamgården Natur resort.jpeg

Our participation in projects

We like to work with projects that have to do with sustainability and nature tourism. Right now we are active in Place brand development at Knalla mine.

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The Zinkgruvan

The entrepreneur program that made a difference. Entrepreneurs from different industries meet here to network. It strengthens our local involvement and we find new friends.

Friends we work together with a little further away

Sometimes we hold trainings a little further away. We do this because we have found good colleagues to collaborate with. It's also fun to get to new places.



At Nautopp I am guest teacher at Paddelpasset green level - Driven beginner. During two days  v.29 & 30 we train and finish with an examination. Together, we also offer multi-day tours in the Fjällbacka archipelago

Stensunds folkhögskola huvudbyggnad

Stensund Folk High School

At Stensund Folkhögskola, we are in the summer weeks 27 & 32. Then we offer a kayak course. There are plans for a nature guide course on the coast 23/24


Stensund Folk High School

At Stensund Folkhögskola, we are in the summer weeks 27 & 32. Then we offer a kayak course. There are plans for a nature guide course on the coast 23/24

Friends a little further away

We find it difficult to buy kayaks and some equipment locally. Then we are grateful for good service a little further away. Here are the friends we have shopped with a lot in recent years.



Torbjörn and Kathrine run Nautopp. We return here to attend courses and buy kayaks and equipment


Cream island

Astrid and Fred run Kayaking and Outdoorlife. Here we often buy spare parts and equipment



Christian and Eva-Karin run East Coast kayaks. Here we have bought several kayaks for our course activities


Kersti Beck Larsson and Bertil Larsson

Hagavägen 37

696 31. Askersund

T: +4670-6747006


Paddelpasset Examinator_2025 dekal
Dekal Runt Vättern
Hopajola länk till hemsida
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educational standard Nturguider.png
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We have arranged a travel guarantee with the Chamber of Commerce.

Which means that we have the right to offer package tours according to current laws

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